DBA’s and Developers often have a need to query the current state of database file size and growth information. This script allows you to obtain file-growth information from single or all databases. It provides the following information:
1. Local Server Name
2. Database Name
3. Logical File Name
4. Initial File Size
5. File Growth Value/Percentage
6. Any Growth Restrictions
Please create and run the below stored procedure without any parameters to obtain help on how to execute this stored procedure.
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[SQLOPS_FileGrowthREPORT] (@Cmd Varchar(20)=null, @DBName Varchar(255)='ALL') as SET NOCOUNT ON --Author: Saleem Hakani (http://sqlcommunity.com) --Desc: This SPROC provides you with filegrowth information for all databases of your local SQL Server instance. If (@Cmd is null or @Cmd <> 'Execute') Begin Print 'Get file growth details of all databases for all files from your local SQL Server instance.' Print ' =========================================================================' Print 'Author: Saleem Hakani (http://sqlcommunity.com)' Print ' ' Print 'Syntax: Exec SQLOPS_FileGrowthREPORT <@cmd>' Print '@Cmd can be ' Print ' ' Print 'To obtain help for this stored procedure:' Print 'Example: Exec SQLOPS_FileGrowthREPORT ''Help'';' Print ' ' Print 'To obtain file growth information for all data and log files for all databases:' Print 'Exec SQLOPS_FileGrowthREPORT ''Execute'';' Print ' ' Return End If (@Cmd='Execute' and @DBName='ALL') Begin Select UPPER(@@ServerName) as 'SERVER_NAME', UPPER(DB_Name(Database_ID)) as 'DATABASE_NAME', UPPER(Name) as LOGICAL_FILENAME, SIZE/128 as 'CURRENT/INITIAL_FILESIZE_IN_MB', ( CASE is_percent_Growth WHEN '1' THEN convert(Varchar,Growth) +' %' ELSE Convert(Varchar,Growth/128) +' MB' End) as 'FILE_GROWTH', ( CASE max_size WHEN 0 THEN 'RESTRICTED' WHEN -1 THEN 'UNRESTRICTED' WHEN 268435456 THEN 'UPTO 2 TB' ELSE 'RESTRICTED ('+convert(varchar,Max_Size/128)+' MB)' END ) as 'RESTRICTIONS' FROM sys.master_files RETURN End If (@Cmd='Execute' and @DBName<>'ALL') Begin IF Not Exists (Select Name from Sys.Databases Where Name=@DBName) Begin Print 'Database ['+@DBName+'] does not exist. Please enter a valid database name.' RETURN End If Exists (Select Name from Sys.Databases Where Name=@DBName) Begin Select UPPER(@@ServerName) as 'SERVER_NAME', UPPER(DB_Name(Database_ID)) as 'DATABASE_NAME', UPPER(Name) as LOGICAL_FILENAME, SIZE/128 as 'CURRENT/INITIAL_FILESIZE_IN_MB', ( CASE is_percent_Growth WHEN '1' THEN convert(Varchar,Growth) +' %' ELSE Convert(Varchar,Growth/128) +' MB' End) as 'FILE_GROWTH', ( CASE max_size WHEN 0 THEN 'RESTRICTED' WHEN -1 THEN 'UNRESTRICTED' WHEN 268435456 THEN 'UPTO 2 TB' ELSE 'RESTRICTED ('+convert(varchar,Max_Size/128)+' MB)' END ) as 'RESTRICTIONS' from sys.master_files Where Database_ID=db_ID(@DBName) --where Max_Size not in (-1, 268435456) RETURN END END GO
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