DBAs and Developers at times may need to detach and attach the databases for various reasons including the following:
1. Moving files to other drives
2. Server migration
2. Upgrades,
3. system maintenance, etc.
This script takes away the headache of remembering the filename or folder location of every single data or log file for every single user databases on your server. It allows you to generate script to detach and attach one or all databases avoiding the need to remember the long hard-coded file path after detaching the database.
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[SQLOPS_AttachDETACH] (@Cmd Varchar(20)=null, @DBName Varchar(50)='ALL') as Set NOCOUNT ON -------------------------------------------- --Author: Saleem Hakani (Http://sqlcommunity.com) --Compatible with SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 + --Desc: This procedure can be used to generate detach and attach script for one or all the databases --Note: This SPROC also takes care of the 16 file limitation with SP_Attach_DB system stored proceure.' -------------------------------------------- If (@Cmd is null or @Cmd <> 'Execute') Begin Print 'HELP for SQLOPS_AttachDETACH' Print '============================' Print 'Author: Saleem Hakani (Http://sqlcommunity.com)' Print ' ' Print 'This procedure can be used to generate detach and attach script for one or all the databases.' Print 'It also takes care of the 16 files limitation by that SP_attach_db system sproc has.' Print ' ' Print 'SYNTAX: Exec SQLOPS_AttachDETACH <@cmd>, <@DBName>' Print '@cmd: Can be either ''Help'' (to get help) or ''Execute'' (to execute this sproc)' Print '@DBName: Can either be the name of the database or ''ALL'' (default) which means run this on all databases' Print ' ' Print 'Example: To generate a script for attaching and detaching a specific database (Ex: SQLOPS database)' Print 'Exec SQLOPS_AttachDETACH ''Execute'',''SQLOPS'';' Print ' ' Print 'Example: To generate a script for attaching and detaching all user databases from local SQL Server' Print 'Exec SQLOPS_AttachDETACH ''Execute'',''ALL''' Print ' ' Print 'To obtain help' Print 'Exec SQLOPS_AttachDETACH ''HELP''' Return End If (@cmd='Execute' and @DBName='All') Begin Exec SP_MSForEachDB 'Exec [SQLOPS_AttachDETACH] ''Execute'',[?]' RETURN End If (@cmd='Execute' and @DBName <> 'All') Begin If NOT EXISTS (SELECT NAME from Sys.Databases Where Name=@DBName) Begin Print 'Database ['+@DBName+'] does not exist. Please enter a valid database name.' RETURN End If Exists (SELECT NAME from Sys.Databases Where Name=@DBName) Begin Declare @a Varchar(8000),@b Varchar(8000),@c Varchar(8000),@d Varchar(8000) Declare @FileID Int,@str int,@Count1 int Create Table ##Count1 (Count1 int) Declare @FileName Varchar(500) Select @str=0 Print '--------------------------------------------------------------------' Print '' Print 'SP_Detach_DB ['+Ltrim(@DBName)+']' Print 'Go' Print '' Print 'Create Database ['+Ltrim(@DBName)+'] ON PRIMARY' Exec('Insert into ##count1 Select Count(*) from '+@DBName+'..SysFiles') Select @Count1=Count1 from ##Count1 Exec('Declare CheckTab Cursor For Select FileID,FileName from '+@DBName+'..SysFiles Order by FileID') Open CheckTab Fetch Next from CheckTab into @FileID,@FileName While (@@Fetch_Status=0) Begin Select @Str=@str+1 If @Str < @Count1 Begin Select @b='(FileName='''+Ltrim(Rtrim(@FileName))+'''),' End If @Str = @Count1 Begin Select @b='(FileName='''+Ltrim(Rtrim(@FileName))+''') FOR ATTACH' End Print @b Fetch Next from CheckTab into @FileID,@FileName End Print 'Go' Drop Table ##Count1 Close CheckTab Deallocate CheckTab End RETURN END GO
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